Stevia and Sweet 'n' Low: Good or Bad?
Reducing the amount of sugar in the diet is another solution to reducing the risk of diabetes or helping current diabetics however it is...

Are Sweeteners Safe?
1. Equal (Aspartame) In 1981, the FDA’s tests showed that aspartame did not cause cancer or any other negative effects. A 1996 report...

Diabetes and You
Diabetes is a condition where the body does not secrete enough insulin to help glucose get into the cells or the cells of the body become...

Alternative Medicine
When exploring the field of alternative medicine one discovers that there are numerous approaches to health care. Western Medicine,...

BPA - Plastic Bottles
Many plastic bottles potentially leak estrogenic chemicals. Bisphenol A (BPA) is chemical used in plastic products that is known to have...

A Healthy Meal Plan
Balanced Low Free Radical Foods Do not eat high heat fried foods Do not eat sugar, white flour Do not eat cakes Do not eat potatoes Do...

The Treponemal Spirochete Treponemal Pallidum Before penicillin syphilis was endemic throughout the world. Syphilis is a sexually...